Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sweet and Salty Lip Scrub!

*I didn't take this picture*

So today I am feeling extra DIY...ey and I am going to give you a DIY that I have been experimenting with, its a DIY of Lush's popcorn lip scrub. Now.

Here is what you will need:

White Sugar
Oil (Jojoba or Olive Oil works best in my opinion)
Vanilla Extract
Sea Salt
Measuring Spoons
Container to Store the Scrub In

Okai lets start!

Step 1: Take the bowl, and put 2 tablespoons of the white sugar, and 1 teaspoon of sea salt.

Step 2: Mix in 1 teaspoon of the Oil, along with about 1 teaspoon of honey.

Step 3: Add vanilla extract to taste, (i'd say no more then half a teaspoon)

Step 4: Make sure the mixture is the right consistency. It should be like wet sand, very granulated, but can clump together when you push it against the bowl with the spoon. If it is too wet add more sugar (add as much as you need until you get the right consistency)

*Tip* I suggest trying a tiny bit before you go onto the next step, just to see if you want to add more sea salt, or vanilla to enhance the flavor.

Step 5: Put your scrub into your container (if you don't have a container you can use, or have a extra amount of the scrub leftover just put it into a bathroom cup and cover it)

How to use it:

Put some on your fingers (you don't need that much) and rub it on your lips in a circular motion for about 1-2 minutes...and this is edible! So just lick it off your lips, or if you don't want to lick it off, you can just wipe it off with a paper towel or something of the sort.

Hope you liked this DIY! If you have a idea of something you want me to experiment with, or come up with a recipe for just comment on this! c:


Tea and Honey Face and Body Scrub

                                                           *I did not take this photo*

What you will need:

Green Tea

Step 1: Make your green tea, and let it brew, take the tea bag out and let it cool. (If you really don't want to make the tea, just run the tea bag under some water.

Step 2: Take the top off of the tea bag and dump it into a bowl and add some honey and mix the tea and honey together (honey may depend on the size of the tea bag, but anywhere around 1tsp, you may need more or less)

Step 3: Rub the scrub on your face, and/or body to exfoliate and cleanse your skin, rinse off and pat your face/body dry.

Its normal if your skin gets a little red, its just from exfoliating. It should go away within a few minutes. 

More DIY's coming soon! I am thinking about posting one every Saturday (or at least once a week...maybe more c;)  
